Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Dancing for Joy Continues

Last night I had reason to celebrate--a smashing cover for my forthcoming mystery, Deception in Strange Places. Tonight the dancing continues--got word that my Kelly O'Connell Mysteries have been named the Best Selling Mystery Series for 2013 by Turquoise Morning Press. Granted, it's not quite the same as being named best-selling of, say, Berkeley Prime Crime mysteries, but it is a small accomplishment for this writer who spent years thinking she could never write mysteries. And it makes a nice talking point.
I am flattered by the people who tell me how much they like Kelly and her family, how comfortable they are with them. Local folks, of course, like reading about familiar streets and neighborhoods and restaurants in the books.
There are now four in the series--Skeleton in a Dead Space, No Neighborhood for Old Women,  and Trouble in a Big Box. The fifth, Deception in Strange Places, launches July 31 as an ebook, with print to follow. But that's repeating last night's news.
There is a sixth Kelly novel, out to Beta readers right now, tentatively titled "Jigsaw Puzzle Revenge" or something like that. Any reactions to that title would be appreciated.
There are other reasons to dance today--do you have certain chores that you just hate to do? I do, and I did one of them today--got my car inspected after my son-in-law Christian pointed out that my sticker was two months out of date. It's not really a difficult or time-consuming thing to do (30 minutes tops) but I always dread it. So now it's done--like going to the dentist. Behind me.
Had a lovely lunch on the patio of a new tapas restaurant, 24 Plates. They told us the patio was not ready because of last night's rain, but we took a chance  and they dried off a table and chairs for us. Texas was at its best today, unusual for mid-July--not humid, warm but not near 100, nice breeze, and the patio is lovely. Really enjoyed it, and it was good to visit with Jeannie Chaffee who I don't see often enough these days.
Tonight was neighbors' night at The Old Neighborhood Grill (one of Kelly O'Connell's favorite hangouts--so it all comes full circle). We had a full table and a live group tonight, good food, lots of laughter. Life is sweet.

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